Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A note concerning a short conversation

Lately, my best conversations start with "Daddy, [insert name here] at my school said we need to [do something inconvenient]."

Yesterday, Cori (age 5, barely) said, "Daddy, Mr. Garza at school wants us to sell a lot of candy.  If we sell a whole lot, we even get a pizza party!"

It's almost all stuff to which she's allergic, or otherwise wouldn't eat.  Our family is doing the right financial things, which means we won't be spending a multiple of $6 on candy, unless that multiplier is zero.

Board Game Party

It's been a while since I got to do any board gaming with my wife, and Saturday was the closest we got in a while.

After Cori's birthday party, we headed over to Chris and Marcie's place for some board gaming.  I played Thunderstone (won), Roll Through The Ages (lost), 2 games of 10 Days in Africa (50-50), and 2 games of Dominion: Alchemy using a couple of the pre-set layouts (won both).

Lee was grading papers and didn't get a chance to play anything, but we all held baby Reese and that was good, too.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today is back up your photos day, with footnotes and quantum Wilson

I was copying over everything in the universe from my ailing PC, Wilson,* to a 160 gig USB hard drive.

Wilson has been rebooting at random** lately so I was copying all the stuff*** in the universe. Wilson rebooted, again. The files are gone**** from Wilson.

No problem, because the USB hard drive is... making a depressing, teeny-tiny clicking noise*****.

Fortunately, last Christmas, I got paranoid and burned to DVD 3 sets of the photos, and gave them to some folks to celebrate Jesus' birth.

That means I've only lost every single download I had in the universe, including board game files that are long-gone in the wild, all my music******, any software I hadn't moved to my alternate teeny-tiny USB backup, and miscellaneous******* files. Oh, yeah, and any alternate game design files that were in my current working set for 18IA et al., and all the photos and video that I put on the computer since mid-December 2009.

What's not lost? The board game designs I emailed to myself on Google as a backup, photos I posted on my blog, anything else I emailed to people with Google, and stuff I backed up on other weird computers around the house.

Today, imagine that your primary data store failed. The tower catches fire, the hard drive turns a lonely face to the blank wall, your laptop gets stolen by love-sick crackheads. It's gone, gone, gone, just like 5 years of my digital life.

I have failed as an IT professional. But not completely. That backup is the only reason I'm not going to take a toaster to the bathtub.

What I tell you three times is true: back it up in multiple copies offsite, back it up in multiple copies offsite, back it up in multiple copies offsite.

* the Beach Boy? House's foil? The blood-faced volleyball? They all work!

** not really random. It's a driver problem that involves something where I use the integrated sound features or tax the I/O in any way. I need to take heavy measures, but first I WAS BACKING UP MY FILES.

*** every photo Lee or I has ever taken, every video we've ever shot, all my own music, all my board game design files, all the collected downloads of the last 5+ years, etc.

**** gone like Gondwanaland (my own personal favorite reference), gone down the American river (q.v. Howl)

***** clicking means it is completely FUBAR.

****** only about 12 gig worth, I got sick of having it bloat last year and pared it down to the necessities, i.e. the Sneaker Pimps.

******* PDFs of every shape and size, comic book samples the creators released like Wizzywig, my favorite lolcats, etc. - ephemera that is painful to lose, but ultimately no huge loss to humanity.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Cori is perfect.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Recent games

I took Alex to the Houston Gamers on Saturday and we played Rack-O and Roll Through The Ages.

Other than that, I'm cleaning the house and reorganizing piles of games.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Mike Doyle, godspeed in your new journey

I got excited when I saw a new post by Mike Doyle, but it turns out to be a fond farewell.

Let's unpack things a little, shall we? Doyle produced intricate, functional, gorgeous original and re-imagined board game art, both professionally and as a hobby.

Now he's fallen under the spell of Lego bricks. Mike, I wish you the best in your future endeavors, and know you'll have a lot of fun.